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Meg Holub

Jamie Foxx and Meagan Holub, Founder of The Love Institute at Academy Award’s gift bag suite

By The Love Lab Postings

Meagan Holub, Founder of The Love Institute, met up with Jamie Foxx at the 2016 Academy Award Celebrity Gift Bags suite, only a few months after meeting him through friends in Palm Springs. Always and ever the gentleman, he posed with his gift Certificates for a Private Couples Massage Lesson with Katie Holmes, and took a massage candle home for her too, while chatting about our common connection and yelling as he was ushered away “I have your number now, so we’ll call you!” while the other attendees looked on in awe. I mean, who’s cooler than Jamie Foxx?

Jamie Foxx and Meagan Holub meet up at the 2016 Academy Award’s gift bag suite

You’re a class act Jamie Foxx, and we at The Love Institute can’t wait to work with you and Katie.

~The Love Institute Team

Gift Certificate ideas for couples

By The Love Lab Postings

Give your partner, and yourself, the best massage you’ve ever given each other. Gift Certificates

Couples Massage Classes are the perfect gift.

for a Couples Massage Class or private lesson at The Love Institute are a wonderful gift to give to your partner to deepen your bond, or give as a gift to a couple that you adore for their special event. Best of all, they are downloadable for those gift givers who don’t trust the postal service deliver the gift on time. Which, is perfect this time of year. Avoid the malls, the hustle and bustle, while purchasing a thoughtful gift, both of you can share (it’s the most fun date, ever), and the gift that truly keeps on giving.

The Love Institute pop up locations offer the following, multiple times, each and every month:
Couples Massage Classes in Seattle
Couples Massage Classes in Portland
Couples Massage Classes in San Francisco
Couples Massage Classes in Palo Alto
Couples Massage Classes in Los Angeles
Couples Massage Classes in San Deigo
Couples Massage Classes in Chicago
Couples Massage Classes in New York

Couples Massage Class Gift Certificates

By The Love Lab Postings

Gift Certificates for a Couples Massage Class or private lesson are a wonderful gift to give to your partner to deepen your bond, or give as a gift to a couple for their anniversary or wedding present. Best of all, they are downloadable for those gift givers who don’t trust the postal service deliver the gift on time.

The Love Institute hosts most trusted Massage Classes for Couples, in the world. You can trust our highly trained team to teach your and the ones you love a safe, effective massage, in our studio, or your home.

The Love Institute downloadable gift certificate

Couples Massage Private Lesson at The Love institute

purchases cover Private Massage Lessons and Couples Massage Classes in the following cities, currently:

Couples Massage Classes in Seattle
Couples Massage Classes in Portland
Couples Massage Classes in San Francisco
Couples Massage Classes in Palo Alto
Couples Massage Classes in Los Angeles
Couples Massage Classes in San Diego
Couples Massage Classes in Chicago
Couples Massage Classes in New York

We look forward to seeing you in class, very soon!

~ The Love Institute Team

The Love Institute online Magazine

By The Love Lab Postings

We think this video is a perfect way to kick off The Love Institute online Magazine.

Help us spread love through the world. Go forth in the world today, and be loving, to everyone who crosses your path. You have the power to change the world, through love.

The Love Institute Team